What To Expect? If you are anticipating an Equine-Assisted Session, expect to wear attire that matches the day’s weather’s forecast. Expect that sessions will require your cognitive and/or emotional involvement. Expect to be unmounted and near horses that are not tethered, nor haltered, that they have the freedom to be there for you, to you.

Expect to be curiously surprised.

Horses!?! Horses still have their prey instincts intact. SO, you can expect to be given feedback from the minuscule actions we present, to be mirrored or reflected by the horses. You are encouraged to process these events with An Inner Lens, LLC during an office session. Allow your engagement with integrative psychotherapy approaches that use your strengths, therapist and therapy horses, to empower you to ‘see’ your thoughts, feelings and behaviors. This holistic method used by An Inner Lens, may help you connect these elements to your awareness, and will empower you to choose the changes you desire, providing you mental relief as you reach your goals.

Regular in-office therapy sessions are encouraged to create support during your journey. The insights gained during equine sessions can evolve profound metaphors of circumstances within your life. These elements are best suited for confidential conversations in a therapeutic setting. 

Come See For Yourself ~

Demo Coming Soon!

Equine Assisted Psychotherapy within the EAGALA and Arenas For Change Models


We work as guides in your journey. We believe that you ultimately already know your own solutions. Sometimes, you just need a little facilitation to reconnect with these evolved perspectives, that will lead you to your desired personal goals. Through the use of Solution Brief-Focused Therapy, CBT & Narrative Therapy integrated with the equine assisted psychotherapy models, we are able to offer you an opportunity to optimize your full potential; the choice is yours.

Your treatment team consists of professionals including a licensed social worker and a qualified equine specialist, along with the untethered horses who work with you in curious ways. When you are in an equine assisted session, you are in an emotionally safe space to experience the presence of the horses as it relates to your specific and unique challenges. You are guided to listen to your inner thoughts and feelings while connecting reflections on what is happening in the outdoor session paddock. This innovative approach holds your space, while you process the equine’s instinctual feedback, that they give you without judgment, which frees you to discover your own lasting solutions. 


No Riding

The Eagala Model does not involve riding and is ground-based. It does not require clients to have any previous experience with horses. Equine assisted psychotherapy serves a worldwide community of certified professionals and provides a comprehensive certification process and member support networks.


In addition, there is a growing body of peer-reviewed research which shows encouraging outcomes for equine assisted psychotherapy. An Inner Lens, LLC is currently participating in 2 research studies: one from Texas A&M and one from Oxford University, England. These entities and many more are committed to continued research of practice, outcomes, and efficacy. If you are interested, let us know. We will help you connect with the current research available world wide.

Take Control.

You cannot swim for new horizons until you have courage to lose sight of the shore.” William Faulkner